Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The mobile phone

software is embedded in

the phone at the time of

production. It is also called

as firmware. A mobile’s

functions are limited to the

capacity of the firmware.

Each model of the phone

has a distinct firmware

that distinguishes it from

other models. The

technology of cell phones

manufactured by different

companies may also

vary. For example, Nokia

phones are based on

Symbian technology

while other phones may

be based on Java


Mobile phones can

facilitate the installation of

third party software.

Countless mobile phone

software are now readily

available. Some may be

free while others can be

bought. This software

caters to a variety of

interests, for example:

o Document viewers- to

see documents created on

MS Office and Adobe


o Image viewers and

editors- to see and edit

pictures, and

o cell phone games for


Mobile games comprise of

the majority of the mobile

phone software available.

The most commonly

used platforms for these

games are

Sun’s Java ME,

Qualcomm’s BREW,

Symbian OS, Windows

Mobile and Palm OS.

Installing Software

There are numerous sites

on the Internet from

where one can download

mobile phone software.

These files would either


o a “.sys” extension, to

denote a file which is

compatible with Symbian

devices, or

o a “.jar” or Java extension

which is compatible with

most of the cell phones.

One can download these

files either directly to the

cell phone, or to one’s

computer and then one

can transfer it to the

phone. The former

method may be very

expensive. In the latter

method, after

downloading the software

to your computer, you

can transfer it to your cell

phone in any one of the

following ways:

a) Through Infrared:

This is one of the simplest

ways to transfer a file

from a laptop to the

phone. Turn the infrared

port on. Position your cell

phone before the infrared

port. A screen will appear

wherein you have to

select the file to be sent

and click on the “Send”

button. Once you allow

the file to be received, it

will be transferred to your

phone in the form of an


b) Through Bluetooth:

If both your phone and

computer are bluetooth

enabled, you just need to

select the mobile phone

software to be

transferred. Choose your

cell phone as the

destination for the file to

be sent to. Pair both the

devices and once the

connection is established

the file will be transferred

to your cell phone as an


c) Through Data Cables:

You can send the file from

the computer to your

phone by using the data

cable provided by the

phone manufacturer.

Mobile phone software is

largely responsible for

increasing the scope of

cell phones.

Know more about the

basics concerning

downloading and

installation of mobile

phone software. Also visit

the following link to know

about the popular mobile

phone accessories.

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