Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Although it may sound

like something out of a

futuristic science fiction

movie, having a remote

PC access software

program isn’t nearly as

intimidating as it sounds.

As a matter of fact, it’s

actually easy to

understand and even

simpler to use, depending

on the software that you

decide on.

Basically, the phrase

‘remote PC access’ refers

to the idea of being able to

use your computer

(desktop, laptop, work

computer) from a

different location. For

example, let’s say that

you’re working on a big

project at work and you’d

like to have access to your

work computer when

you go home. Well, by

using remote PC access

software you’d be able to

do just that. Once you

installed the software on

your work computer, you

could be at your desktop

(or laptop) computer at

home, and once you

logged in it would feel as if

you were looking at the

screen of your work


And with the

sophistication of today’s

remote pc access

software, you don’t have

to settle for just checking

your email. When you’re

sitting at home and

accessing your computer

at work, you not only

have access to your

email, but you can use the

same files, folders,

documents, network

resources, and even the

computer programs that

are on your work


And this doesn’t just

apply to using your work

computer from home.

Suppose you’re going on

vacation and you’re

bringing your laptop with

you, but what you really

need is access to your

desktop at home. You

could use a memory stick

and try to download

everything you’ll need

from your desktop to

your laptop, but this can

very tedious. Not only

does it eat up a lot of

memory on your laptop,

but you have to almost

go through the process

again when you get home

and delete all that data

from your laptop so that it

isn’t bogged down with all

of the programs from

your desktop.

And here’s the other

problem with

downloading the

information that you think

you’ll need onto your

laptop. What happens

when you remember to

download 99% of

everything that you need

and forget that one little

file or document that is

crucial to you finishing the

work that you wanted? I’ll

tell you what happens:

everything comes to a

screeching halt! And you

have to wait until you are

physically in front of your

desktop at home again so

you can use that forgotten

file or document.

This entire process of


transferring- uploading-

deleting’ can be

completely avoided,

though. Because if you’ve

already installed the

software on your home

computer (typically a two

minute process) then

whether you’re a hundred

miles away or a few

thousand miles away on

vacation, it doesn’t matter.

You’ll have complete

access to your home

computer without any of

the hassles of


downloading or uploading

anything. The only thing

you have to remember is

your log on code (and

maybe your airplane

tickets if you’re traveling

far away) and you’re

ready to go.

The remote PC access

software gives you all the

convenience and

availability of your favorite

computer without any of

the hassles of copying

files, documents or

programs. It literally is like

carrying your favorite

computer around with

you in your pocket!

Although there are several

different types of remote

PC access software

programs out there, there

are three characteristics

that every good remote

PC program should have.

(If the remote pc access

program you’re

purchasing is missing any

one of these three

characteristics, then run

as fast as you can away

from this software)! To

find out what these three

characteristics are, go to

Remote PC Access


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