Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 29 June 2011

In the past, event

software wouldn’t have

been the first choice for

those looking for an online

CPD management

solution. However, with

event software solutions

evolving and aligning their

development with the

constant changing

requirements of the

events industry, it has

now become a viable

option for those wishing

to manage their CPD

programmes online. The

flexible and versatile

architecture of online

event solutions now

enables you to manage all

aspects of your members

continued professional

development with ease.

Managing Your

Professional Members


At the heart of all CPD

programmes are the

professional individuals

that attend them. These

are members from

professional accredited

bodies, such as law,

accounting, HR, teachers,

nurses, counsellors etc.

Therefore the

implementation of the

right online event

software solution will not

only ensure the

professional member

attends the right courses

and workshops but it will


Increase their competence

and skill set

Allow them to be

competitive in the

employment market

Show commitment to

future employers

Show your commitment

to them

Avoid them becoming


Bring a new and exciting

personal and professional

challenge to them

Online CPD Event Web


To ensure your

professional members

capture relevant

knowledge and practical

benefits from your

courses you need to

ensure they are being

managed efficiently.

Having the ability to

capture an individual’s

personal professional

development growth

online will show how

committed you are to the

members’ continued self


improvement and


Implementing an online

event solution with a

comprehensive web

portal feature will allow

professional members to

access their personal data

from any location at any

time. They would have

the ability to record their

own careers goals, plan

activities, analyse their

history, reflect on their

progress and view all

possible and relevant

professional growth

courses and workshops

available to them. The

professional member then

has the option to simply

confirm and register their

attendance online based

on their professional

growth requirements,

enabling them to develop

and create their own web-

based personal

development plan.

Communicating with your


Everyone’s growth and

skill set is different, so the

implementation of an

online event solution must

provide you with the right

communication tools,

ensuring you send

focused and targeted

communications to your

professional members.

Understanding what

method of

communication best suits

them is key to their

growth and development.

An online event solution

will allow communication

via the following channels:




Social networking sites


Through an online event

solution you are able to

manage your professional



preference which enables

you to monitor and

administer what you have

communicated and by

what communication

method, therefore

enhancing your overall

business and

communication strategy.

Feedback on the

workshops and training

courses is vital and having

the ability to send surveys

either online or offline will

greatly enhance the

continued development

and improvement of your

CPD courses/programme.

Online Registration Feature

Having the feature which

allows your professional

members to view and

select relevant CPD

courses is further

enhanced with the

implementation of an

online event software

solution. They can view a

list of relevant workshops

and the accredited points

associated with each

module allowing them to

register for the workshop,

with just one click and

immediately updating the

member’s activity and


By utilising the online

event solution’s

customisable booking

form you are able to

amend the registration

journey and capture

different member

information for each

workshop/course. The

trainer/advisor of the

workshop/course will also

be able to view who is

attending their workshop,

their skill set and any

other relevant information

captured during the

booking process. This will

ensure the trainer is able

to correctly focus their

development workshop

Online Reporting Services

With all this clean, current

and accurate data on your

professional members

what are you now going

to do with it? Reporting

and analysis for any

organisation is vital. Event

software gives you the

ability to run reports

based on your bespoke

reporting and analysis

requirements such as:

How many members

have registered for “X”


Has the member accrued

the relevant number of

points to attend this


This ensures you are

communicating with your

members properly,

managing their

professional development

efficiently and ensuring

you are aligned with your

overall business strategy.

Taking the time to select

and invest in an online

event software solution

will enhance your

management of

professional development;

ensuring your members

keep their skills up to date,

strengthen their

professional credibility,

enhance their skill set and

significantly increase job


For more information on

our online event solution,

talk to evocos. In the past

year alone evocos event

management solution has

created over 7000 events/

workshops & training

courses and managed

approximately 75,000

delegates/members and

has taken over 50,000

online bookings.

Incorporating integrated

reporting and analysis

tools as well as social

media, email marketing,

website integration,

registration, online

payment, badge

production, resource

management and event

surveys, evocos is one of

the most comprehensive

online event CPD

management software

solutions on the market


The evocos event

software team ensures

you are able to seamlessly

manage your events;

gaining huge cost and

efficiency benefits.

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