Posted by : Unknown Sunday, 24 July 2011

Many of readers sent

me emails for writing a

post on twitter account

hacking. Before writing

more on topic i want to

say one thing that

there is no any

software tool which

can give you passwords

of any twitter account

by entering the user

name. If you are here

for any this type of

software then please

leave this website.

Twitter is one of the

top 10 most visited

website having a lots of

security features. No

tool can intrude or hack

its database to give you

passwords. If you want

to hack a twitter

account, you have to

use your hacking skills

with a good use of

social engineering. I

think social engeering is

the best way to trick a

person to give his

passwords to you. If

you had read my older

post on facebook

hacking, no trick is new

for you.

1: phishing: phishing is

the best way to hak

any account. If you

think only saving a

webpage and creating a

fake login page with

this is phishing, then

you are wrong. Phishing

is just create a

webpage which can

trick users to give their

passwords. It does not

mean that it is a login

page or any other page

which offers a service

to that website. I used

a page for finding

invisible in orkut for

orkut phishing. So think

what you can do in this.

I am not uploading any

phishing page. If you do

not know what is

phishing, read my old


2: Keylogger:

keylogger is another

way to hack into

twitter account by

getting the keystrokes

from a user's system.

download remote

keyloggers from

keylogger section.

3: Firesheep: If your

victim uses unsecure

wireless network then

you can hack him easily

by using mozilla firefox

and a simple firefox

plugin. Firesheep. read

this post to know

about firesheep and

dowload it from that

post. Firesheep

use this tool to hack.

You can also try to hack

primary email id hacking

attached with the

twitter account. But

hacking a Gmail or yahoo

account also need

above method. Try

above given methods

and trick users to

explore their


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